Enterprise Risk Prevention and Compliance

Highking places a strong emphasis on assisting businesses with risk prevention and enhancing their compliance systems. The firm has provided legal services of this nature to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises as well as financial institutions. Highking helps enterprises to establish a set of systematic management measures and procedures to identify, assess, monitor and control risks that may cause losses to enterprises through risk prediction, analysis and disposal in the process of operation, so as to ensure that the decision-making and operation activities of enterprises meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, so as to protect the assets and reputation of enterprises and promote the sustainable development of enterprises, so as to control and reduce the potential risks in the operation of enterprises, and ensure the efficient and steady development of enterprises in accordance with the law.


Service Areas

● Establishment of Corporate Compliance Systems

● Corporate Legal Advisory Services

● Compliance with Corporate Governance for Listed Companies

● Design of Corporate Equity Structures

● Human Resources Legal Affairs

● Specialized Compliance for Antitrust Regulations

● Specialized Compliance for Anti-Money Laundering

● Specialized Compliance for Anti-Bribery and Corruption

● Intellectual Property Protection Compliance

● Compliance with Contractual Internal Controls

● Tax and Tax Planning Compliance