Personal Information Protection and Privacy Compliance

Highking's data security and personal data protection team is a pioneer in this field in China. The team has long-term collaborations with experts and scholars who have participated in the formulation and discussions of laws and regulations such as the "Cybersecurity Law," "Regulations on the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)," "Data Security Law (Draft)," and "Personal Information Protection Law (Draft)." They have the capability to provide specialized legal services for global data compliance to clients.

Service Areas

● Data Security Risk Assessment

● Establishment of Data Compliance Systems

● Data Governance, Integration, and Sharing

● Localization of Data Centers and Cross-border Data Transfer

● Drafting and Updating of Personal Privacy Policies and Various Data Processing Agreements

● Legislative Consultation, Industry Research, Special Studies, and Policy Interpretation

● Response to Data Security Incidents and Dispute Resolution